Frequently Asked Questions
Are FLI courses available only to students from MSU, OTC, SBU, Evangel, and BBC?
No. FLI courses are not limited to current students of these partner schools. Individuals who are not currently enrolled at one of these schools may sign up for credit courses by enrolling at one of these institutions. There are also noncredit language courses available for travelers and medical and business professionals.
Do students from OTC, SBU, Evangel and BBC have to transfer MSU credits back to their home institutions?
No. Students from these schools will register and receive credit for FLI courses through their home institutions. Check your school's course catalog to find out which FLI courses are available each semester. If you want to discuss your options further, please review a list of contacts for each institution.
Can community members outside of one of the partner institutions take courses at the FLI?
Yes. These individuals may enroll at any of the institutions to take for-credit courses and may also enroll in noncredit courses at FLI.
When and where are classes held and where may I park?
Most courses are held in downtown Springfield, in the Jim D. Morris Center (JDMC). Free parking is available for partner students for downtown and campus classes. Partner students must receive a special parking pass from their teacher and are allowed to park in yellow lots only, for up to 30 minutes before and after their class. MSU's online campus map reveals yellow parking lots near FLI course buildings. Most classes are held in the evenings. Course schedules are included on each language page.
Who can attend?
- College students. The Foreign Language Institute is a Missouri State University-led partnership with Evangel University, Ozarks Technical Community College, Baptist Bible College, and Southwest Baptist University.
- High school students. These students may earn transferable college credit.
- Community members. We offer noncredit courses tailored to the needs of travelers, as well as summer camps for children. Community members may also register for any for credit course. Contact the FLI Coordinator for more information or with any questions you may have..

Determine what course options the Foreign Language Institute can offer you.